Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms

Access to and use of  the Skills Hub  website, hereinafter known as the "Website" is provided by VSB-TUO in collaboration with the Automotive Skills Alliance. By proceeding beyond this page you agree that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions, and that you will comply with the Terms and Conditions in your use of the Website.

Changes to the Website

The User acknowledges and accepts that the Skills Hub may from time to time alter any aspect of the website, or any of the services or products provided through the website, as it thinks fit and without notice to the User. The User accepts that it will have no claim for breach of contract or otherwise in respect of any such alteration.

User Conduct

The User warrants that in its use of the website, it shall:

  1. Use the website only for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use of the website by any third party.


  1. Not engage in any conduct which is unlawful, or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person.


  1. Without prejudice to the generality of point 2 above, not upload, post, transmit or distribute any material or information in which the User does not own the intellectual property rights, or any material which is in any way unlawful or which is potentially harmful, threatening, abusive, libellous, pornographic or otherwise obscene, or racially or ethnically or otherwise objectionable. 


  1. Not upload, post, transmit or distribute any material or information which contains a computer virus, or other code, files or programs intended or having for effect to disrupt or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the website or other users' computer systems.


The contents of the Website (the "Contents") are provided to the User by way of general, background information and guidance only. The User accepts and acknowledges that the Skills Hub, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives of any sort shall not in any way be liable for any damages, loss, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the User's downloading or accessing any of the Contents from the website, or its reliance on or use of any of the Contents for any purpose. Without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the Skills Hub, hereby excludes, insofar as permitted by law, all warranties and representations, express or implied, in respect of any of the Contents, including but not limited to any information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons forming part of them, including but not limited to warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of third party rights or any law, compatibility, security and accuracy.


The User acknowledges and accepts that computer and telecommunications systems are not fault-free and may from time to time require periods of downtime (being periods during which the website is not available to the User) for the purposes of repair, maintenance and upgrading. Accordingly, the Skills Hub does not guarantee uninterrupted availability of the website, but it shall make reasonable efforts to minimise any periods during which the website is not available. The User accepts that they shall have no claim for breach of contract or otherwise in respect of any such period of unavailability.

Hypertext Links

The Website and its Contents may incorporate links to the websites and services of third parties. Such links are provided for the User's convenience only, and their provision does not constitute an authorisation by the Skills Hub to the User to access such third-party websites, nor an endorsement of the content of such third-party websites by the Skills Hub. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Skills Hub is not, and shall not be held responsible for any damages, loss, costs or expenses arising from the use of such third-party websites, or products or services available through such third-party websites.

Trade Marks

The names and logos identifying the website and the Skills Hub and its products and services are proprietary marks of the Skills Hub and its respective Partner. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall confer on the User any licence in respect of any such mark, or any other intellectual property right of the Skills Hub.


The Skills Hub reserves the right to terminate forthwith, or to refuse to permit, the use of the WebSite by any party, at any time and at the Skills Hub's absolute discretion.


If any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these Terms and Conditions are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that Term or Condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from the Terms and Conditions and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable. 

The rights of the Skills Hub and the User under these Terms and Conditions may be exercised as often as necessary. They are cumulative and not exclusive of either party's rights under the general law and may be waived only in writing. A delay in exercising or non-exercise of any right is not a waiver of that right.

We may amend or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued use of our platform after the changes are posted signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic. Any disputes arising here shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Czech Republic.

Non-Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

If these Terms and Conditions are not accepted in full, you do not have permission to access the Contents of the website and therefore should cease using the website immediately.